Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Great Advice For A Wonderful Start To Your New Year!

Once in a while I check on Maria the Muse's Blog. She has great advice for day to day situations.She is also very big on the Law of Attraction. She sent out an amazing list of how to start of your New Year and I wanted to share it with you...

  1. Set time aside - I take the day after Christmas off for this purpose. For you it may be another day. It's important to give yourself plenty of time because in my experience your inner being doesn't work on a world clock so trying to fit it in between 6:00 and 6:30 pm just doesn't work too well.
  2. Make a list of the major things that are important to you - These are very personal and will be different for everyone. At times in the past I've included things like: get my body into a certain size and level of health, move to a new home, go on vacation to a specific place, improve or change a certain relationship, change jobs or careers, etc. You can also include how you want to experience something you know is on its way. For instance, when a friend was getting married she listed that everything about the wedding fell into place easily and effortlessly, that the details took care of themselves, and that she had a very relaxing and enjoyable day. Got the idea? I typically keep the list short, no more than 5 things, because this is about the BIG picture which isn't usually 50 items long :)
  3. Eliminate distractions and get quiet -Take some time to relax and get very quiet on the inside. You can listen to music, focus on your breathing, or any other method that works for you. The object is to get into a meditative state but even if you don't meditate you can do this... simply get all cozy like you're going to take a nice nap.
  4. Call in your counsel - Once you feel nice and relaxed (but before you go to sleep), mentally call in your counsel. For me this includes my inner being, the Universe, and my spiritual guides. If you've never done this before then it may seem like nothing is happening. That's ok. Just mentally call out for them to come in and wait a few moments.
  5. State your purpose - After everyone is assembled (if you don't sense anything that's fine... just wait a few minutes and continue); state your purpose which is something like "I've called you all here today to help me set up this new year."
  6. Share your list with them - This is the part where I read my list. If I can't remember it then I simply open my eyes and read what I'd previously written. I read this as if I'm addressing an audience and while I'm reading I ask for volunteers to work on each item. I then imagine groups forming for each item on the list.
  7. Go over the list with each group - Take the first item on the list and go over it with that specific group. Go ahead and add details, as if you are leading a team that's going to take care of this for you. If one thing on your list is to change careers you'd talk to the group about how you'll need help deciding what to do, finding the right connections and training, creating a timeline and transition plan, funding, and all the other things that go into changing careers. Keep it to the big stuff... this isn't a time to micro-manage, but there are times I find myself setting up sub-committees and handing out assignments.
  8. Make sure everyone is on the same page - After addressing each group individually, address the whole again and ask if there are any questions or comments. If anything pops into your mind then answer that to the group. Do this until you are satisfied that everyone understands their roles and assignments. Again, if nothing happens or you feel like you're just making things up and talking to yourself that's fine. Just play along.
  9. Thank and dismiss the counsel - After you've decided that everyone is on the same page, thank them for coming and dismiss them to do their jobs. Then allow yourself to take a nap, sit in a relaxed state for a little while longer, or get up and go about your day. Whatever feels right to you.

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